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一分钟英语 老板该给我加薪了 when I asked for a raise!!! #One Minute English #学英语

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一分钟英语  老板该给我加薪了 when I asked for a raise!!!  #One Minute English #学英语 JPEG Origin Image Download
Formal Terms
Terminated - A standard term used in professional settings.

终止 - 在专业环境中常用的标准术语。
Dismissed - Often used in a formal context.

解雇 - 通常在正式场合使用。
Let go - A softer way to indicate someone has been fired.

被解雇 - 一种较温和的表达方式。
Released from duty - A formal phrase often used in military or corporate contexts.

解除职务 - 在军事或公司环境中常用的正式短语。
Separated from the company - A more neutral term.

与公司分离 - 更中性的术语。
Discharged - Commonly used in legal or formal contexts.

被解职 - 常用于法律或正式场合。
Involuntarily separated - A formal way to describe being fired without personal choice.

非自愿分离 - 描述被解雇而非个人选择的正式方式。

Informal Expressions
Got the boot - A casual and somewhat humorous way to say someone was fired.

被踢出局 - 一种随意且略带幽默的说法。
Kicked to the curb - A very informal and colloquial expression.

被扔到路边 - 非常非正式和口语化的表达。
Shown the door - Implies that the person was asked to leave.

被请出门 - 暗示某人被要求离开。
Cut loose - Suggests being released from a job.

被放手 - 暗示被释放出工作。
Sent packing - Informal and implies being dismissed abruptly.

被打发走 - 非正式,暗示被突然解雇。

Transitioned out - A euphemistic way to say someone was let go.

过渡离开 - 一种委婉的说法,表示某人被解雇。
Pursuing other opportunities - Implies the person is no longer with the company but suggests a positive spin.

追求其他机会 - 暗示某人不再与公司合作,但给人积极的印象。
Parted ways - A neutral way to indicate that both parties have agreed to end the employment relationship.

分道扬镳 - 中性表达,表示双方同意结束雇佣关系。