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樵夫国家公园出现的一只疑似混血狼的犬科动物 JPEG Origin Image Download
@Voyageurs Wolf Project 3.82万位订阅者

我们最初的两次观察--2 月 29 日和 3 月 3 日--都看到了这种动物和两只真正的成年狼在附近游荡。但这个狼群中没有一只狼是我们地区常住狼群的一部分(也就是说,它们只是一个游荡的群体)。


从 3 月 11 日到 3 月 20 日,我们在整个大樵夫生态系统中对这只动物进行了 10 次单独观察,因此这只动物的漫游范围很大(而且很可能离开了这一地区,因为我们在 3 月 20 日之后没有再观察到这只动物)。

值得注意的是,我们从未见过长成这样的 “狼”,但我们怀疑这只犬科动物要么是一只狼,但它发生了某种奇怪的变异,变得超级蓬松和特别大(这似乎不太可能,但我们正在努力考虑各种可能性)......要么就是一只狼-狗混血。






This was one of the stranger observations we had this winter…a wolf-like, dog-like canid of sorts roaming the area. It sort of looks like a mix between a wolf and a malamute or something.

Our first two observations—Feb 29 and Mar 3— were of this animal and two actual adult wolves roaming around. But none of the wolves in this pack were part of a resident pack in our area (i.e., they were just a wandering group).

And the one sequence of all 3 shows just how different this canid’s appearance is from the wolves in our area (the other two wolves in that sequence are what mature adult wolves in our area generally look like). 

We then had 10 observations of this animal by itself from March 11 to March 20 all across the Greater Voyageurs Ecosystem so this animal was roaming substantially (and likely left the area as we had no observations of the animal after March 20). 

Notably, we have never seen a “wolf" that looks like this but we suspect that either this canid is a wolf with some strange mutation that makes it super fluffy and extra large (seems unlikely but trying to think through the options)…or it is a wolf-dog hybrid...