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职场英语100天(第28天)|職場英語100天(第28天),100 Days of WorkplaceEnglish(28)——人事篇

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职场英语100天(第28天)|職場英語100天(第28天),100 Days of WorkplaceEnglish(28)——人事篇 JPEG Origin Image Download

1、conflicts——The HR team is responsible for resolving workplace conflicts and grievances.
2、submitting——Thank you for submitting your application.
3、shortlisted——We are pleased to inform you that you have been shortlisted for an interview.
4、expectations——We would like to discuss your salary expectations and benefits.
5、responsibilities——Your job responsibilities will include project management and team collaboration.
6、outstanding performance——We have a policy of recognizing and rewarding outstanding employee performance.
7、assessment——We request that you complete a skills assessment test as part of the hiring process.
8、participate——Your input is valuable,and we encourage you to actively participate in team meetings and discussions.
9、expanding——We are expanding our team.
10、professionalism——Our organization values professionalism and expects high ethical standards from all employees.
11、cohesion——To enhance team cohesion,we organize team-building activities and events throughout the year.
12、eligible——Employees are eligible for paid time off,including vacation days and public holidays.
13、comprehensive——We offer a comprehensive benefits package,including health coverage and retirement plans.
14、consult——If you have any questions regarding your employment contract,please consult the HR department.
15、cultural fit——We assess candidates not only for their technical skills but also for their cultural fit within the team.
16、turnover——We need to address the turnover rate.
17、confidentiality——Please sign the confidentiality agreement.