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职场英语100天(第36天)|職場英語100天(第36天),100 Days of WorkplaceEnglish(36)

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职场英语100天(第36天)|職場英語100天(第36天),100 Days of WorkplaceEnglish(36) JPEG Origin Image Download

1、safety harnesses——Employees should be trained on the proper use of safety harnesses for working at heights.
2、safety posters——Safety posters and signs should be displayed prominently throughout the facility.
3、reflective strips——Safety vests with reflective strips should be worn when working near traffic.
4、safety committee——The company has a safety committee responsible for reviewing and improving safety procedures.
5、personal protective equipment (PPE)——Employees should wear appropriate personal protective equipment as required by their job tasks.
6、leave——Can I take a leave of absence next week?
7、swap——Is it possible for me to swap shifts with a colleague this Saturday?
8、approve——Could you please approve my vacation request for next month?
9、apply——I'd like to apply for a half-day leave on Friday morning.
10、unwell——I'm feeling unwell and need to go home early today.
11、cover——I can cover for you and take your shift on Thursday.
12、appointment——I have a doctor's appointment in the afternoon,so I need to leave work early.
13、commitment——I have a prior commitment and need to change my shift on Saturday.
14、substitute——Can we arrange a substitute for my shift on Wednesday?
15、anniversary——I'd like to request a vacation day for my anniversary next week.
16、function——I have a family function and won't be able to come to work on Saturday.
17、dentist——I need to take a half-day leave on Wednesday afternoon for a dentist appointment.