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【虽然不是初投稿/GUMI】もういいよ (差不多得了)

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【虽然不是初投稿/GUMI】もういいよ (差不多得了) JPEG Origin Image Descargar
曲/词/混音:我 有不完善的地方请多多包涵呀
图:pinterest上找的小镜 侵删
嗚呼、もういいよ 啊差不多得了
こんな人生 这样的人生
Sitting in a dark room planning to hang myself somewhere someday 坐在漆黑的房间里想着挑个日子自我了结
嗚呼、まだ失敗 啊又失败了
no one knows why 没人知道为什么
living here in a corner nobody cares 生活在无人在意的角落
fantasize turning into a JK 想象自己变身jk
wearing short skirts and shoes 穿着短裙和皮鞋
looking for places to eat so leisurely 漫不经心找着餐厅
I’m just a loser blank in my head 我只是个头脑空白的失败者
Making way to destruction in a daydream 在白日梦中向毁灭奔去
Midnight falls again and I’m back in anxiety for wasting my life 午夜再次降临 我回到浪费生命的焦虑之中
fears in my eyes 眼中充满恐惧
Was it wrong to drown myself in isolation where others die and I survive 沉浸在他人皆死我独存的孤独中有何不可呢
Hallucination is eating me with its gentle lies 幻觉用它温柔的谎言侵蚀着我
Can never fight 放弃抵抗吧
When there’s no future to talk about 当那里已无未来可言
Will you hold me in your arms forever and 你会永远抱着我吗
Say it 嗚呼、もういいよ 啊够了吧
こんな人生 这样的人生
Sitting in a dark room memorizing nightmares like an old friend 坐在漆黑的房间 像回忆老友般想着梦魇
嗚呼、まだ失敗 啊啊又失败了
I don’t know why 不知道为啥
Seems that summer’s leaving me 夏天似乎要离开我了
Wave it goodbye 挥手道别吧
Midnight falls again and I’m back in all the sorrows 午夜降临 我重回困境
sting like arrows 穿心地疼痛
Was it wrong to drown myself in imagination where others lie and I deny 沉浸在他人撒谎我抵赖的幻想中不好吗
Hallucination is eating me with its gentle eyes 幻觉用温柔的眼睛吞噬着我
Everything’s alright 没什么大不了
When there’s no future to talk about 当那里已无未来可言
Will you hold me in your arms forever and 你会永远抱着我吗
Sayonara all the words 再见了所有的言语
Never see me again 不会再见到我
疲れた 我歇逼了