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【比特熊充电栈】基于微软 AKS 搭建个人 CloudIDE

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【比特熊充电栈】基于微软 AKS 搭建个人 CloudIDE JPEG Origin Image Download
【比特熊充电栈】基于微软 AKS 搭建个人 CloudIDE
借助微软Azure Kubernetes Service所提供的灵活易用的云原生基础设施,开发者可以利用开源技术搭建属于自己的个人云原生实验环境,利用容器嵌套技术在k8s pod中运行完整的docker和k8s集群,大大简化开发者学习、开发和测试云原生应用的复杂度。 
演讲人信息 :

Build Personal CloudIDE Based on Microsoft AKS 
With the flexible and easy-to-use cloud native infrastructure provided by Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service, developers can use open source technology to build their own personal cloud native experimental environment, and use container nesting technology to run complete dockers and k8s clusters in k8s pods, greatly simplifying the complexity of the learning, development and testing of cloud native applications for developers. 
Lei Xu 
Microsoft MVP & RD, Chief Architect/CEO of LEANSOFT, Founder of SmartIDE Open Source Project 
Technology: DevOps Consulting, Cloud Native 
