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雅思口语9分大佬来袭!感受到了世界的参差😭|雅思|雅思口语 JPEG Origin Image Descargar
小姐姐来自德国🇩🇪一直以来,德国人的雅思口语在世界上的排名都是数一数二的!小姐姐就是一个典型的代表!这反映速度、这流利度和表达,真的和native speaker没什么区别!尽管稍微有一些些口音,但口音不作为评分标准❌所以小姐姐毫无疑问的拿到了满分👏

👩‍🏫今天我们一起来欣赏一下Part 2&3,涉及到的热门话题有:

Talk about a computer game that you have played.

👉What are different types of video games that are popular for people?
👉 Why do people like playing video games?
👉Do you think it is okay for children to play these types of games well?
👉Video games are educational. Do you agree with this?
👉Should computer games be allowed in school as a teaching aid?
👉How do you think video games will change in the future?

