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【纳努克】雪地上一群狼来查看相机 JPEG Origin Image Download


@churchillwildsafaris极地熊和狼的导游专家@irme_nivnac @m.gerhartz(你绝对应该关注他们的账户!)和Colleen现在每天都在野外工作,他们拍摄了一些狼群与熊捕杀的白鲸鱼一起进食的精彩照片。Michael说有十几只极地熊和狼一起觅食!

这个狼群在今年春季有幼崽吗?我正在通过我们的步道相机网络搜索狼群的状况线索。有大量大量的风吹动柳树枝的录像 😂


飞行员Jason还在密切监视美丽的全白色Owl River狼群,成员们在上个冬季穿越了Opoyastin狼群的领地。我们的第一批专门客人-自然学家狼探险之旅将于11月开始,我已经迫不及待了。我希望野生动物摄影师和长期狼自然学家和北极老手@arctic_wild也会回归(另一个绝佳的账户要关注)。



Trail cam footage from March 10. I’m going through hours of footage from cameras we left up all winter and chuckled at what happens at the end of this clip.
Right now we believe the Opoyastin Pack has five wolves including the breeding pair Maniway and Mestakaya. I did not spot any pups before I had to leave, nor have our guides still up there.
@churchillwildsafaris polar bear and wolf guides extraordinaire @irme_nivnac @m.gerhartz (you should definitely be following their accounts!) and Colleen are out in the field everyday now and have captured some great photos of the pack feeding on a polar-bear killed beluga alongside the wolves. Michael said they had a dozen polar bears feeding alongside the wolves!
Did the pack have a litter this spring?? I’m looking for clues as to the pack’s status by searching through our network of trail cameras. Lots and lots of footage of wind blowing willow branches 😂
Pack sizes fluctuate every year as pups disperse, older animals leave or die, packs converge into ‘super packs’ or split apart; it’s what makes studying wolves so fascinating. You’re watching family dynamics—and intrapack dynamics—play out in real time.