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Newborn Care: Breastfeeding or Formula?

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Newborn Care: Breastfeeding or Formula? WEBP Origin Image 下载
Newborn Care: Breastfeeding or Formula? WEBP Origin Image 下载
Newborn Care: Breastfeeding or Formula? WEBP Origin Image 下载
Newborn Care: Breastfeeding or Formula? WEBP Origin Image 下载
Newborn Care: Breastfeeding or Formula? WEBP Origin Image 下载
Newborn Care: Breastfeeding or Formula? WEBP Origin Image 下载

“I wish I knew this sooner😥 which no one told me about!”

The most important source of food for a newborn! Jangan terlepas pandang. Sangat important for their growth, weight and development including membuang (poop!!)

The FACTS no one told me and remind.

📌Here are the things you need to know;

(1) Breastfeeding [BF]🤱 is the most natural way for your baby to get Milk and its Free. Either Breastfeed directly or Exclusively pumping its still Milk from your Breast!

(2) Formula 🍼 The good ones are expensive. Why expensive because it mimics the breastmilk not 100% but it depends on your child too some may opt for the inexpensive ones and they are good too.

(3) combine pagi Formula malam BF or pagi BF malam Formula.

📌 Both milk 🥛 depending on child. Some child they have certain of demand and allergies if momdad has history of it. Kat sini dah boleh tau yang you ada options to trial and error which is best. No right or wrong tp susu ibu is still one of the top best choice for a baby less than 12 months.

📌 Both Milk perlu ada ilmu of course handling Breastmilk is even more tedious as it requires more effort to generate , to store and to know Demand of baby. I learn my breastfeeding from NADMASROM & NYUSOO OFFICIAL they have classes and videos please watch!

Formula milk need to know the ingredients as the ingredients boleh menyebablan sembelit and perut kembung for baby. Testing takes days. You got the right one its great. Always start with cheap ones tau 🫣

📌 First 7 days of baby lives they drink 1-2 hours in a 24 cycle. Your susu is yellowish colour, and SIKIT, its call the colostrum. Try feed your baby during this crucial phase of life, its good for their immunity and development.

📌Feeding baby perlu juga consider what type of mom are you - the working mom? The stay at home mom? The mom who send baby to nursery to grandmas to caretaker? So Feeding can change depending on your situation. Tak perlu stress find the beat possible way ok👌🏼

Now you have known the facts. Here is the reality what I go through ;

✨ First Latch Breastmilk

✨ Day 1 - day 3 Formula ( I dont even know what formula 🥲)

✨ Day 4 breastfeeding

✨ Day 5-7 Breastfeeding + formula ( Hospital milk )

✨ 3 weeks Breastfeeding + formula (Kari Home)

✨ Baby hit 1 month - direct feeding and Bottle feed

✨ Baby hit 3 months and Current - Direct Feeding all the way

Goal 🎯: To Feed breast milk up to 2 years old insyaallah.

Im a C-section momma. Bersalin private hospital. The first latch my baby got her milk but the rest of the day of 24hrs I didn’t monitor her well including feed her and care . Mostly the nurses did it for me.

After we are back home her Jaundice shoot up, I got admitted again for phototherapy at the government hospital. They are much more concerned on breastfeeding. I get to learn hands on my BF techniques and skills during my stay. (side Note: I attend a virtual class conduct by Nadmasrom but every thing is notes and visual, the best is to test and practice.)

From then on I know my milk production are slow as I tak directfeed my baby often during the 4 days of life so I started pumping to generate back the production. Bayangkan my baby is 7 days old but my milk stuck at 4 days. Of course the milk is low for her needs. I tiba tiba nak jadi Exclusive Pumping Mom ( EPmoms) mcm wow boleh produce more susu tp lama lama pump I jadi tersangat penat.

After the week incident I kept BF at night as susu malam lebih banyak dari pagi and its the best milk for baby growth so I kept working on my skills to practice. During the day Baby is feed using a bottle.

Now currently Im proud to say I Direct feed my baby 24/7 🫶🏻 Its really a hard work of the first 60 days but it was worth it!!

Why I Directfeeding ?

✅ Im stay at home mom

✅ I work from home

✅ 24/7 with my child

😛 Malas basuh pump and bottle fikir semua kena hygiene + GERMSS penatt🦠

What Pump I use?

Heavy duty- To increase my milk demand, using Pumping Power Method

Manual Pump - When im out and about

Haakaa - Milk collector or during direct feeding or the days I malas nak ada machine and guna manual.

How I increase my Milk production?

🍽️ Makan sayur bayam and anything green

🍽️ Oatmeal

🍽️ kurma

🍽️ flax seed

🍽️ Lactation Cookies 🍪

🍽️ Milo and hotcho (works for me, maybe cause im happy lol)

💆🏻‍♀️ Urut Lancar susu by my CL

🤲🏻 Doa is the best. Leave it to Allah.

The struggle

1. Mental overthinks

Selalu ada overthinking baby tak minum betul, tak dpt susu cukup

2. Nipple crack (because tak latch properly)

This is normal tau 😅 Mula sakit la sampai susu darah tp I sapu susu yg menitik tu. Works wonders!

3. Bengkak susu

Saluran tersumbat wither from tak keluarkan atau lambat keluarkan. Kalau dah rasa mcm susu penuh cepat cepat directfeed anak or keluarkan susu. For the tersumbat urut and tuam air panas to the bengkak area

4. Penat, sakit belakang and attachment

Kalau dah pegang baby 24 jam menetek and position duduk je obviously akan sakit belakang. Lepastu attachment dgn baby kerap sgt . Kalau baby tak de jadi sedih betul.

I really enjoy My Breastfeeding Journey, it gives me the peace and tranquility with my baby. Currently at phase two which is giving Solid for my baby. Hope thats going to be a fun as this 💁🏼‍♀️ Till next time Friends!

Remember you are not less of a Mother if you didn’t gave your baby the way society did just follow your instincts and whats suits best for you! I support you all the way if u need changes or stick whats best. We have options!!!

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