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Just A Man - My Coming Out Story

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Its Pride Month, So Id Simply Like to Share My Story.


I was only 15 years old. A freshman in highschool. It was April 30th 2019 to be exact. My home life felt miserable. So I made a plan to run away. I was done, tired of living my life as a lie. So I told my sister that I was leaving. Of course she didn't believe me, however I was so serious. The night before I made a note and wrote it to my parents and told them that I was leaving, because I was tired of living under the same roof as them. I packed a bag of clothes, a box of granola bars, and a few bottles of water. The next morning I put the note on the table, left my phone so I couldn't be tracked, and left to where I was going. Later on, my parents woke up and saw the note on the table.

My mom was scared, because she didn't know where I was. Things escalated quickly, my mom went on facebook and made a post, saying that I was missing and ran away from home. Everyone started to repost and share this including people I went to school with. However, with no luck, no one could find me. Hours and hours went by, and that is when the police got involved. The police thought to check my phone, for any information that might lead to where I was. When they searched my phone, they found out that I was talking to men. I was on this gay dating app at the time called grindr.

They looked at the messages on the app, and got very concerned about my safety and well being due to the fact that I was on this app as a minor. I was talking to this guy, who was also a minor on that app. And I ran away to his house. In my head, I had this all planned out. No one else knew this, however the cops figured it out quickly. They called every contact in my phone, and questioned friends and family about my whereabouts. They asked "If they knew if I was talking to men?" Or "Had any boyfriends?".

However due to the limited information I gave to anyone because I kept this all a secret, they were not able to gain much information on exactly where I was. That is when they decided to tell my parents everything that was going on. Both my parents were finding out through the cops my biggest secret that i've ever kept, that I am a gay man. On my end, I wasn't aware of anything that was happening. I just thought I was running away from all my home issues. However, I figured everything out quickly. I got hungry and started walking down the streets to a McDonalds, when my uncle pulled over and stopped me. He stopped me, and immediately I started crying because I knew I just got caught. I knew that he was going to tell my parents where I was. But I remember he hugged me and said "I love you no matter what" And that is when everything started to click, and I just started sobbing. Then he told me "Look man, no matter what you have me, but I have to let your parents know where you are" And he called my parents and waited with me as they came.

When the car pulled up my heart damn near stopped. I saw this really evil devilish glare, in my fathers eyes. He looked at me in complete anger, and disgust and the first question he could think to ask me was, "So you're a fucking faggot"? Those were the first words he could think of to ask his son. Those are The words that sit deep in my heart, the words he can't take back, the words that cut deeper than any knife, the words of ignorance, the words of anger, the words of hate. For the first time in my life, I felt completely numb. Too hurt to feel anything at all. I finally arrived home, and my father looked me in the eyes, and said “I didn’t raise a bitch.” “I raised a man, not a faggot.” “You just need to change your last name.” “Your name isn’t Andrea, it's Andre.” “So you like dick up the booty.” “I don’t have any gay children.” “I didn’t raise you this way, I raised you with God." “This is an embarrassment to me and your mother.” All of these statements just echoed in my mind. However I was so hurt from being called a faggot that none of that even phased me. The night went on. For the very first time I felt like I had no one. I laid down praying to God. "Lord, why did you make me this way?" "God if this is wrong please change me" "Why is this happening to me?" However I just laid in my empty thoughts, feeling numb and betrayed. My father took it so far that he drove 50 miles to a friends house because he refused to sleep under the same roof as a "demon".

*Echoing* "Lord, why did you make me this way?" "God if this is wrong please change me" "Why is this happening to me?"

However, it didn't stop there.


The next day my father called everyone, and told them that I was gay, my aunties, uncles, grandmother, his friends, and relatives. Then I was told that I was going to be going down to California. Away from my mother, siblings, nieces, nephews, friends, and my school life. I was told to pack a bag for 2 weeks. So I could get some quality 1 on 1 father time. I didn't want to go at all, however with no choice, I packed a bag and headed down to California that same day. A 1087 mile car ride accompanied with an awkward, uncomfortable feeling. I dreaded this car ride, every last moment of it. However, we finally arrived at my grandmother's house. Everything felt different. Everyone was looking at me as if I were someone that needed to be saved. I remember my grandmother coming to me for the first time, after she saw me and she just gave me this really huge hug. But it followed with a talk about god, religion, and how that lifestyle that I was choosing was not holy. The whole time that I was down in California, it was apparent to me that it was a common goal amongst everyone to try and "straighten" me out. To change who I was. Day after day went by, with constant conversations with my uncles, cousins, father, grandmother, aunties, the whole nine yards. While I was in California, I had no contact with anyone back at home, I didn't have a phone, and couldn't use any technology. I was being completely punished for being gay. However while I was down there and my father noticed no change in who I was, those 2 weeks turned into 3 months. During the duration of those 3 months my grandmother played a huge role in all of this. She made it abundantly clear that my sexuality was a sin. Sometimes we would have heated conversations where she would voice her opinion on sexuality, and religion. I was back and forth from my uncle's house, to hers because sometimes we would get into it and she would kick me out. She would make me watch TD jakes, or read the bible when I first got to her house. Sometimes she would call me fairies, or say I am too "woman-like". Then it dawned upon me that everything that she was preaching, and saying to me were similar things that my father said to me. And that this issue is deeper than my father. This was a deep rooted generational issue. Day after day would go by, and the same thing no different story. I felt trapped, like I had no one, I was alone trying to convince my whole family to love and accept me for who I am. Nothing started to change, until one day things suddenly were no longer about me but my grandmother. She was suddenly diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. She was so broken, from her normal spirit. So we had a huge party for my grandmother, celebrating love, life, and blessings to try and cheer her up. But life took a sudden toll. My cousin and I were walking and we saw paramedics down the street. I tried to convince myself, and my cousin that they were not in front of my grandmother's house, however we both just had this feeling and ran. As we got up to the house the ambulance was taking her out. And the last time I saw my grandmother alive was on a stretcher going to the hospital. My whole family stayed at the hospital, however within the first day or so she was already on life support, and it was our time to say our goodbyes. So I just stayed in the hospital with her, while she was attached to a machine and just made sure that she could feel my love, comfort, and aurora. And she took her last breath and just like that she was gone. And finally we laid her to rest at Inglewood Cemetery. And immediately it all dawned upon me that if all of shit that I had gone through didn't happen, I wouldn't have been able to spend the most beautiful, crazy, painful 3 months of my life with her. No matter if we got into a heated argument, or were watching a movie, while I rubbed her hands and feet, it showed me that at the end of the day everything happens for a reason, and unconditional love always wins, and presents itself even in the final days. Although I was broken by everything that my grandmother had said to me, and done to me prior, all of it went out the door as I walked her to grave and put her to rest. Her passing showed me that life is too short to hold resentment and hatred, and to show unconditional love regardless because you never know when it may be their time, or your time. After the passing of my grandmother I finally saw my mother, and siblings when they came down for the funeral. It was so good seeing them, and being able to hug them again, however it was all short lived because once they left my father wouldn't let me go back to Washington with them. The only way my father would let me go home was if he thought I was straight.

So I lied to my father and had a sit down conversation with him and told him I was interested in females, and I didn't know what I was going through but it must have been some sort of phase. And shortly after I finally got a plane ticket to go back home. And I spent the next 3 years lying to my family living a double life, acting as if nothing ever happened.

July, 7th 2022.

I came out for a second time, and my father repeated the same behavior and called me a faggot again. When this all happened, he immediately called his brothers to let them know. And that is when my uncle decided to text me. "I heard that you're back on that gay shit. well little nigga until you get your shit together stay the fuck away from us your dad side of the family none of us condones that shit its an abomination to god and a sin and we're not having it so your not welcome to any of the things we do stay the fuck away from us ole sick ass nigga". And suddenly, I realized nothing has changed or will change until I do something about it. See the only difference between when I went through this the first time and now is my age. See when I was 15, I conformed to the bullshit. But now I won't tolerate hatred, disrespect, or fake love. Because I have been broken down to rock fucking bottom and now im…


Growing up I always knew that I wouldn't be able to come out to my family. As a child, I heard stories of my uncles and dad beating up "faggots", justifying that they needed their ass whooped because they were "unholy".

I'd hear shit like, "these fruity ass niggas", "nasty ass niggas like shit up they booty", "ole sick gay ass niggas", "get this gay shit off the tv", "oh hell nah this faggot ass nigga", "two men getting married thats sick". So naturally, I feared that If I came out, they would call me faggots, I'd be kicked out, punished or abused. So I lied about my sexuality to protect myself, to keep a relationship with my parents, and to keep something to hold onto. Being a black gay male was not an option for me. As a black Downlow man, that shit was soul consuming. Anytime I'd go to the cookouts or go around my cousins or back to my fathers hood, I knew I had to put on my best front. Talk in a very deep voice. Watch the way I dressed, and walked. I'd make DL accounts, to keep my identity secret. Delete certain apps off my phone. Go on a walk to talk on the phone to men. Change contact names. Talk about girls, even if I knew I wasn't interested. Make up stories of females I "messed with". My whole life I have been lying to the closest people to me. My own fucking family. Every single day, I'd hide my phone, watch the wappy I bent my wrist, make sure my mannerisms didn't appear "too feminine", or speak "too soft". I was taught to suppress my emotions. Told that men don't cry. Told constantly to toughen up. And my whole life I have been conforming, living to this standard of what a "man should be". AND IM JUST SO FUCKING DONE, EXHAUSTED, AND DRAINED.

I carried this stigma of having to come out as a gay man.

I always felt that I shouldn't have to come out, that if my brothers could be straight and just exist, then I could be gay and just exist.

Everyone always has inserted themselves saying little subtle, trying to get me to come out. I don't know why people feel the need to know what my sexuality is, people are infatuated with knowing. From the youngest of ages I noticed the indifference in how everyone would treat me. Down to how people would talk to me, act around me or down to the types of questions they would ask trying to get me to come out, or hint that I was gay. As a man it has always been very frustrating to me. It is no one's business who I decide to sleep with at night or who I decide to pursue in my personal life. It has always been very interesting to me how if people didn't know my sexuality everything would be fine, but as soon as someone finds out I am gay, I'm suddenly a new person, everyone starts treating differently. Coming out also adds to the stigma that men must come out in order to live their lives openly and freely.

I'd like to address the fact that gay and straight men can co-exist. Growing up I'd hear shit like "if I had a gay son, he wouldn't be allowed to have any guy friends over". My whole life I have had straight friends. Gay and straight men can have mutual respect for each other and continue to have a relationship. Being straight or gay shouldn't matter in your friendships. If you're content with your sexuality, and not insecure then there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to maintain a healthy relationship with the difference of sexuality. In reality we need to get to a point in life, where gay and straight men can co-exist. And on a side note, gay men are some of the best friends to have when you're straight. All gay men have the baddest females as they friends. And we stay puttin you niggas on.

I'm always hearing this concept that gay men "choose this lifestyle". As a man, who has experienced all the shit that I have, trust me I'd never in a trillion years choose this fucking lifestyle. If I could wake up and be straight, I'd go have bitches on bitches on bitches., growing up I have just genuinely always been attracted to men. From the youngest of ages. I always knew.

One of the biggest issues I faced was the relationship with my father. See my life, and my fathers life vary so drastically. My father was raised in a time where being gay was considered a mental illness. He grew up poor, in the hood. While my grandmother kept a nice home over his head, it was a struggle. My father grew up where he made a name for himself, and a reputation of his manhood in the streets. He grew up in a time where you had to be tough in order to survive. To my father, you were not considered a man, if you were gay. My father when he first found out I was gay didn’t see me as a man, he saw me simply as just a faggot. To him I was an embarrassment because if any of his homeboys knew he raised a gay son it must mean that he failed as a man. Me being gay ruined my dads image, his street reputation, and his credibility as a father. So ultimately it boils down to pride, an ego thing, misunderstanding, unwillingness to change, and lack of education.

Most gay men in this world go through extreme diversity, and challenges just to exist freely like everyone else, and as a result it either breaks us down, or we grow extremely strong.

I have to remind myself that I exist in a world where 71 countries penalize homosexuals. And 11 of these countries have capital punishment. I live in a world where as a gay man I have to work 3 times as hard to get equal compensation, and make a name for myself that men will respect. Being openly gay is a struggle, and sometimes even a death sentence. So as a gay man I am fighting every single day for my life, dignity and respect. And family is the bare minimum that a gay man living on this planet should have to turn to when the world turns its back completely against us.

I have missed out on so much of my life living this double dl life. I have never been in a relationship, fearing all the possibilities of what would happen if I ever was seen talking to a man. Not knowing how the world would see me. Fearing what people would say about me. How could I kiss a man in public, hold a man's hand, go on a date? I knew that I could never bring a man home. I've missed out on so many things that most kids get to experience. A few days after I came out, I went to pride fest with my siblings. It was at this moment when I realized I had internalized homophobia. I was so uncomfortable with everyone being themselves. So mad at them for living freely, and not giving any fucks. All the things my father said to me came to my head that day. "These niggas all gay asf", "Whats wrong with these fruitcakes". And I realized I was experiencing deeper generational issues. The ones likely passed down to my father. And now down to me. Parents don't realize the damage and effects that they have on their children, when they don't show authentic love and support.

My whole fucking life I have had nothing but unconditional fucking love for my family. For mines id go to hell and fucking back for. So it kills me that the people closest to me, choose to be so hateful and see me as nothing more than a faggot. Simply because I am attracted to men. I have been constantly seeking love, affection, and approval, from the closest people to me. And Im fucking mad and absolutely sick to the damn core that complete fucking strangers can love and care for me more than my own fucking people. I shouldn't have to beg for my family to love me and accept me. I expect the same unconditional love that I have always shown for my family. And nothing fucking less.

I'm done hiding, and changing myself in every single last aspect. I'm tired of having to deepen my voice when I talk to men. Tired of constantly overthinking every aspect of my life. I'm tired of having to live to this standard of what a man is. If you can't accept and love me for who I am. I am choosing to part paths. And this shit hurts me to know I have to cut ties with the people closest to me in order to make change. However I will no longer continue hurting myself, waiting for love, acceptance, and approval from my own fucking people. I am done trying to satisfy other people. I can't please everyone. I'm done living in fear. I never deserved this treatment or disrespect. I am worthy. And its my fucking time to live, prosper, heal and grow. And live my life 100% authentically free.

I am tired of all the stigmas, and misconceptions that the world has of the gay community.

As a person I shouldn't be subjected to stereotypes. If you want to judge me as a person, judge my personality, and character. Stop judging me based on my sexual orientation.

Many people see sexuality for more than what it is. Sexuality has this whole "lifestyle" around it. However to me sexuality is no more than me being attracted to men. Just because I am gay does not mean that I have to exhibit or meet certain expectations or quotas of a gay lifestyle. Sexuality is a part of me, but insignificant when it comes to judging my character as a whole. Sexuality shouldn't give anyone the right to treat me as less than the man that I was brought here as. Sexuality does not define my life. I am more than just gay, more than just a faggot. I am Andre Lamont Brown Jr. I am someone's son, uncle, brother, nephew, cousin, and grandchild, but most importantly I am just a man.

with all the chaos in the world, and all the killings of gay men, and stigmas of the gay community, I simply wanted to state my story and enlighten people that as society we need to change. you don't have to agree to my views on sexual orientation, race, gender, and religion, however you do have to accept me because I am just a man. And we all all just human.

#firstpost #gay #story #pridemonth

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